40 Hour HAZWOPER Training Online Program


40 Hour OSHA HAZWOPER Training Online | 8 Hr, 24 Hr Course

Teksafety works with companies and safety professionals across the nation to provide initial OSHA 40 hour HAZWOPER training and online certification to their employees and new-hires. Safety managers and organizations within these companies typically don't have the time or resources to take their safety professionals out of the field and provide this training, nor do they have the time to take the student/worker out of the field for a full week. Our programs allow each student to self-study during slow times or in off-hours and complete the program over an extended period of time. The company safety professionals then simply have to demonstrate to the student the proper donning and doffing of the company-supplied personal protective equipment such as air-purifying respirators, Tyvek coveralls etc. Technical Safety Institute communicates with the on-site safety professional and issues a certificate and wallet card after all phases of the training and testing have been completed.

Teksafety provides the full 40 HR OSHA HAZWOPER training program online (as per OSHA guidelines). If your company doesn't have a qualified safety professional, another Competent Person in your area can usually be used to perform a final "checkout" so that you can demonstrate the ability to don and doff the personal protective equipment that you may wear while performing work for your company or in your area. The "hands-on" portion is usually no more than a 30-minute training session with your company's issued personal protective equipment after completion of the online training. The second option from Teksafety.com is a custom program designed specifically for your company, involving mostly online work with a final day with a Certified Industrial Hygienist at your company or site.

Regardless of the option you choose, the OSHA HAZWOPER 40 hour training online course is designed for general site workers (such as equipment operators, general laborers and supervisory personnel) engaged in hazardous substance removal or other activities which expose or potentially expose workers to hazardous substances and health hazards, and will meet the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.120(e)(1)(i) or your state program. Completion of this 40 Hour HAZWOPER training (as per OSHA guidelines) will result in a certificate and wallet card. Once certified, annual 8-hour refresher classes are required by OSHA to stay current.

You can also check more details about this course here.